Recruitment Metrics to track

Essential Recruitment Metrics to Track in 2024 for Hiring Success

In today’s rapidly evolving talent landscape, making informed, strategic hiring decisions is more crucial than ever. Luckily, recruitment metrics offer valuable insights to help you optimize your strategies, identify bottlenecks, and land the top talent essential for your organization’s success. 

2024 demands the careful tracking of recruiting metrics. With the right metrics in place, you’ll transform your hiring process from guesswork into a precision-guided system that consistently delivers the right people for the right roles.

Also read: Employee referrals in hiring 

What are Recruitment Metrics? 

Recruitment metrics are quantifiable data points used to measure the overall health, efficiency, and effectiveness of your organization’s hiring process. These metrics range from simple statistics to in-depth analytics. By tracking these metrics over time, you uncover hidden trends, strengths, and areas needing improvement. 

Why Track Recruitment Metrics in 2024? 

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Metrics provide objective evidence to support your hiring strategies, resource allocation, and adjustments. 
  • Performance Tracking: Assess the success of different recruitment channels, campaigns, and team members. 
  • Strategic Optimization: Identify the points within your process needing improvement for a better candidate experience and faster results. 
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Understand your costs in the hiring process and find areas to save money and resources. 
  • Competitive Advantage: Track metrics against industry benchmarks to gain an edge. 

Essential Recruitment Metrics to Track in 2024 

Let’s explore the top recruitment metrics that hold strategic value in 2024: 

  1. Time to Fill

This hiring metric measures the average number of days it takes to fill an open position, starting from the job requisition approval to the candidate accepting the offer. A shorter time to fill generally indicates a more efficient hiring process, impacting business outcomes positively. 

  • Formula: (Date job offer accepted) – (Date job requisition approved) = Number of days to fill 
  • Example: Offer accepted on August 21st, requisition approved July 6th = 46 days to fill 
  1. Time to Hire

While similar to ‘time to fill,’ this metric focuses on the time from when a candidate first applies to when they accept the job offer. Track this to identify any friction points in your process that may be slowing you down. 

  • Formula: (Date job offer accepted) – (Date candidate applied) = Number of days to hire 
  • Example: Offer accepted August 21st, the candidate applied on July 15th = 37 days to hire 
  1. Cost Per Hire

The cost per hire represents your average expenditure to fill one position. Calculate it by totaling your internal hiring costs (recruiter salaries, tech tools) and external costs (ads, agencies), divided by the number of hires. This metric helps you evaluate your budget and ROI. 

  • Formula: (Internal costs + External Costs) / Total number of hires = Cost per hire 
  • Example: Internal costs ($50,000 recruiter salaries + $5,000 tech) + External costs ($10,000 ads + $5000 agencies) / 50 hires = $1,300 cost per hire. 
  1. Offer Acceptance Rate

This recruiting metric shows the percentage of candidates who accept your job offers. A high acceptance rate indicates that your company, role descriptions, and compensation offerings are attractive to top talent. A low rate may necessitate a review of those areas. 

  • Formula: (Number of offers accepted / Number of offers extended) x 100 = Offer acceptance rate (%) 
  • Example: 15 offers accepted / 20 offers extended x 100 = 75% offer acceptance rate 
  1. Quality of Hire

A more difficult metric to quantify, it nonetheless is crucial. Quality of hire reflects the performance and alignment of new hires to your company’s needs. Track through performance reviews, retention rates, and manager feedback. A high quality of hire contributes to greater long-term success. 

While there is no single formula, here’s how to track it: 

  • Performance Reviews: Use objective measures from regular performance evaluations. 
  • Retention Rates: A high retention rate of new hires is a good indicator. 
  • Manager Feedback: Formal or informal assessments on a new hire’s fit and performance. 
  1. Source of Hire

Where do your best candidates come from? Knowing the answer enables you to focus your efforts on the most effective recruitment channels. Track your sources (job boards, referrals, career site, etc.) for the best return on investment. 

  • Categorize your sources: Job boards, referrals, career site, etc. 
  • Track where successful hires originated: Your ATS or manual tracking lets you see which sources yield the best candidates. 
  1. Candidate Experience

This metric gauges how positive the hiring process was for applicants, affecting your employer brand. Candidate surveys are a key way to gain insights. A smooth experience increases the likelihood of referrals and positive reviews impacting future applications. 

  • Create candidate surveys: Ask about ease of application, communication, interview experience, etc. 
  • Use a rating scale:  1-5 or an NPS (Net Promoter Score)-style scale allows for feedback analysis. 
  • Example:  How happy were you with the customer service experience? (1 = Not Satisfied and 5 = Very Satisfied).
  1. Application Completion Rate

This metric tracks the percentage of applications that are fully completed. A low rate could signify a lengthy or complex application process, leading to potential candidates dropping out. 

  • Formula: (Number of completed applications / Number of applications started) x 100 = Completion rate (%) 
  • Example: 500 completed applications / 800 applications started x 100 = 62.5% completion rate 
  1. Diversity and Inclusion Metrics

Tracking diversity and inclusion (D&I) goals throughout the process is essential. Monitor the demographics of your applicant pool, shortlists, and hires to identify unconscious biases and improve representation in your workforce. 

  • Track demographics across stages: Applicant pool, interview shortlist, hires. Compare to your overall workforce or industry benchmarks. 
  1. Interview-to-Hire Ratio

How many interviews does it typically take to make a hire? This recruiting metric informs you about the efficiency of your interview process and the quality of your candidate screening. 

  • Formula: Total number of interviews / Total number of hires = Interview-to-hire ratio 
  • Example: 75 interviews conducted / 15 hires = 5:1 interview-to-hire ratio. 
  1. Hiring Manager Satisfaction

Gathering feedback from hiring managers gives you insights into the effectiveness of your recruitment support. Are they satisfied with the talent pool, speed of the process, and communication from your recruiting team?

Also read: Top 5 pain points of hiring managers  

  • Survey hiring managers Ask about recruiter responsiveness, candidate quality, time to fill, etc. 
  • Utilize rating scales or open-ended feedback for more nuanced insights. 
  1. Candidate Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Similar to the customer NPS, this metric measures a candidate’s likelihood of recommending your hiring process. This reflects on your employer brand and can aid in attracting future talent. 


1. Classify Responses:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): These are enthusiastic candidates who are highly likely to recommend your hiring process. 
  • Passives (score 7-8): Candidates whose experience was satisfactory but not exceptional. They might recommend your process, but without strong enthusiasm. 
  • Detractors (score 0-6): Candidates who had a poor experience and are unlikely to recommend your hiring process, potentially even discouraging others.

2. Calculate Percentages: 

  • Percentage of Promoters: (Number of Promoters / Total Number of Respondents) * 100 
  • Percentage of Detractors: (Number of Detractors/ Total Number of Respondents) * 100

3. Subtract to get the NPS: 

NPS = Percentage of Promoters – Percentage of Detractors 


Let’s say you surveyed 100 candidates after their hiring experience: 

  • Promoters (9-10): 65 responses 
  • Passives (7-8): 20 responses 
  • Detractors (0-6): 15 responses 


  • Percentage of Promoters: (65/100) * 100 = 65% 
  • Percentage of Detractors: (15/100) * 100 = 15% 
  • NPS = 65% – 15% = 50 


An NPS of 50 is considered good. It means you have a significantly higher portion of candidates who are likely to recommend your hiring process, which has positive implications for attracting future talent. 

  1. First-Year Attrition Rate

The percentage of new hires who leave within their first year can indicate how well your recruiting, onboarding, and job expectations align with reality. A high attrition rate means you may need to reassess factors that contribute to early exits. 

  • Formula: (Number of employees who left within 1 year / Number of hires in that year ) x 100 = Attrition rate (%) 
  • Example: 8 employees left within their first year / 50 hires = 16% attrition rate 
  1. Recruiter Performance

To measure individual recruiters’ contributions, track metrics like time to fill, source of hire, offer acceptance rate, and quality of hire in the context of their activities. 

  • Track the primary metrics listed above for each recruiter: Time to fill, source of hire, offer acceptance, and quality of hire (where measurable). 

How to Track Your Recruitment Metrics 

  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS): A robust ATS like HireME automatically tracks key recruiting metrics, providing valuable data for analysis. 
  • Spreadsheets: If you don’t have an ATS, spreadsheets are a starting point, though more time-consuming. 
  • HR Analytics Platforms: Consider these for advanced analysis, trend identification, and reporting capabilities. 

Tips for Using Recruitment Metrics Effectively 

  • Set benchmarks: Use industry averages as a starting point and establish internal goals for improvement. 
  • Regularly review and analyze: Examine trends over time to spot improvement opportunities. 
  • Contextualize your metrics: Interpret data within the larger context of business objectives and the job market. 
  • Communicate insights: Share findings with stakeholders, hiring managers, and your team for a transparent, data-driven approach to hiring. 
  • Iterate: Use these insights to adjust your recruitment strategies continuously. 

The Role of AI in Recruitment Metrics 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we track and utilize recruitment metrics. AI-powered tools can help you: 

  • Automate metric tracking: AI tools like OfficeIQ can efficiently gather and track data and make it conversational. 
  • Uncover hidden patterns: AI can identify subtle trends in your recruiting metrics, revealing insights that a human alone might miss. 
  • Predict hiring outcomes: Based on historical data, AI can forecast outcomes like time to fill or quality of hire projections. 

What’s Your Strategy? 

Tracking recruitment metrics in 2024 isn’t just a best practice; it’s a necessity to stay ahead in the growing competition of talent acquisition. By making informed, data-driven adjustments and embracing tools like HireME and OfficeIQ, you’ll transform your hiring process for long-term success. 

Remember, the value of recruitment metrics lies in both tracking and taking informed action based on the insights they reveal. This enables you to improve candidate experience, attract top talent, boost efficiency, and ultimately, build a workforce that gives your organization that vital competitive edge. 

Ready to see the possibilities, book a free demo! 


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